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DR SJ JONG HEALTH TALK | 24th February 2019

We would like to thank everyone that have attended the health talk at Chemsain Auditorium, Kuching on 24th February 2019 and for your supports for the successful event.


How to delay your biological clock and enjoy a longer great healthy life? Let’s recap on the health talk given by Dr SJ Jong. And for those that was not able join us for the talk, fret not, we will give you a summary of the talk and event.

Guests started arriving around 2.00pm for registration and after registration, they were comfortably sitting and waiting for the event to begin. By 2.30pm, the hall was fully occupied. Without any delay, our host of the day, Ms Tatiana welcomed everyone with a welcoming speech and invited DR SJ Jong to the stage to present her health talk on “Ageing Gracefully - Delaying The Biological Clock”.

Dr Jong began her talk by explaining why do people age and concept of ageing (chronological age & biological age). Ageing will happens to everyone. How do know you are ageing and does it affects your quality in life? Dr Jong explained further that the ageing of an individual can be detected by markers for ageing (internal organ, muscle mass, basal metabolic rate, body fat %, aerobic capacity, blood sugar tolerance, cholesterol profile, blood pressure, bone density and body’s ability to regulate temperature). Ageing will affects the body metabolism, heart muscles, lungs, immune system, skin tone, bone mass, the cause of gray hair, brain function, urinary tract, sexual behavior and mutation will happen more frequently.

How Do We Delay Ageing & What Causes Ageing?

Ageing is caused by a complex interplay between genes and environment. Both external environment like stress, infection, diet, exercise and the environment of each cell in our body like oxidative stress, HGH (Human Growth Hormone), epigenetic changes (changes in marks on DNA) affect our cells, and therefore, this is how our body ages. Dr Jong also explained the function of telomeres in our body, which is the key to ageing.

With years of researches done, ageing can be delayed with the understanding of catabolic wasting (Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Calorie Restriction) and with protein and supplements required by an individual.

Cachexia means loss of muscle and fat tissue due to illness and general loss of muscle mass that occurs with advancing age is called sarcopenia. Catbolic wasting encomposes both cachexia and sarcopenia. In both cachexia and sarcopenia, muscle loss can lead to frailty and declining quality of life, as well as increasing the risk of death, infection and falls; slower wound healing and reduced exercise capacity. Evidences have shown that muscle is fundamental for maintenance of protein and glucose metabolism and many hormone receptors are located in muscle and regulate body anabolism and catabolism. Muscle is also metabolically linked with liver, kidney, fat tissue and lung for the production of metabolic intermediates, fundamental for body life. Thus, muscle loss increases mortality and morbidity.

Calorie Restriction is the dramatic reduction of calorie intake to levels that may be significally (up to 50%) below that for maximum growth and fertility, but nutritionally sufficient for maintaining overall health. It remains as one of the most researched and succesful approaches to life extension. Calorie Restriction resulted in preservation of brain volume in caudate, putamen and insula, areas that are classifically involved in regulation of motor and executive function. Reduced body temperature and lowered fasting insulin levels are robust markers of Calorie Restriction and slowed ageing. It is also suggested that reduced production of harmful free radicals resulting for a more efficient metabolic activity is link between Calorie Restriction and extended lifespan.

Protein (amino acids) is an important component of every cell in our body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Our body uses protein to build and repair tissues. It uses protein to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Unfortunately, our body does not store protein and therefore it has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. Age related loss of muscle can start in the forties and speeds up with age, meaning over 0.5% of an individual’s lean muscle will be lost before the age of 65 years old. Older adults will need more protein as they possess a certain “analbolic resistance” which combined with the catabolic effect of being sedentary, can lead to significant loss of muscle mass and function, strength and balancing.

Simple Way to Prevent Age-Related Muscle Loss

  • Exercise to stop muscle loss and maintain muscle tone.
  • Get sufficient sleep and relaxation.
  • Limit alcohol intake and avoid smoking.
  • Go for natural powerful supplements
    (MPLAN - Protein Extraction, Vitamin D - Strengthen Muscles, Cocca C - Anti-Inflammation, T-Nutrition - 106 Total Nutrients, PAGE - Prevent Glycation and ENA/ENB (Amino Acids), Packer & TMax - Antioxidants & Endocrine Health)
  • Go for Personalised Nutrition *NEW PRODUCT by Frontier International

*Personalised Nutrition

In the talk, Dr Jong introduced a new Frontier International’s product; Personalised Nutrition.

For this new product, Dr Jong explained the interplay between nutrition and genetics of an individual and how it is different for each individual. With personalised nutrition, it helps to develop a unique nutrition guidelines for each individual based on the combination of an individual’s genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. A good nutrition is the baseline for a healthy lifestyle. Our body cannot function properly without them. Thus, interpendency with nutrition is inherent. Dr Jong explained further that each individual relationship with nutrition is different. Now, with modern genetics, we are able to know why and find out the neccesity nutrition needed by each individual through genetic testing. Based on the genetic test result, we can create a personalised supplement specifically required for an individual into their diet.

The health talk ended with a Q&A session with Dr Jong and followed by light refreshment.

It was a very informative event and we hope everyone enjoyed the health talk ans share the information with your friends and families.

Stay Healthy and Age Grafefully!

Thank you.